A Weekend in Paris
What would I do if I had a weekend to spend in Paris?
Read MoreWhat would I do if I had a weekend to spend in Paris?
Read MoreI'm loving these braided updo's and stylish cornrows to beat the spring and…
Read MoreGoing Somewhere? These Clothes Will Travel Anywhere...
Read MoreFebruary is almost here? Have you started making plans? I thought I'd finish out January with a little love and romance to get you in the mood.
Have you started planning? Stay tuned in as I have some great DIY's, gift guides, and more as we gear up for Valentine's Day. If you haven't connected to {dls} designlifestyleblog already...what are you waiting for? Subscribe and get the exclusive updates and newsletter directly to your inbox ;)
Credits: http://jesuisclaire.tumblr.com/post/128505425449; http://voguenthusiast.tumblr.com/post/137802106182/14th-nahsty-ello-bby-cxramels-c-x-r; https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/e8/b1/b3/e8b1b31b64dd19e327ee1698e5c0ab89.jpg; https://www.etsy.com/listing/186894652/women-new-hezwagarcia-hot-high-quality?ref=shop_home_active_17; http://more-thanideas.tumblr.com/post/137831287306; https://www.pinterest.com/pin/514747432389787307/; http://heartofgoldandluxury.blogspot.com/2014/07/white-peach-rose-lemonade.html?m=0; http://www.mydomaine.com/stephane-olivier paris apartment/slide5; http://www.sincerelykinsey.com/2013/12/nathan-sarah-engaged.html; Sherrell Design Studio
There's no reason not to get ahead of the curve and start discussing finances before marriage or …
Today I want to focus on a few articles in my reading list that can reconnect you to life and the pursuit to happiness. It's easy to…
You deserve a moment to relax and pamper yourself. It's important that you take time out to refuel, whether it's a soak in your favorite fragrance, working out, a weekend with your closest friends, retail therapy or even…
With cooler weather finally arriving yesterday after all the rain and humidity Houston has to bring, I felt a tug to connect with nature and enjoy the newness of the incoming fall season. I observed the people, their attitude seemed to mirror mine. I noted the fashion of the downtown scene on Main Street Square. A few trend-setters breaking out their knotted scarves and the impatient ladies in tall leather boots. Out with the seersucker and in with the deep, rich earth tones of fall. The smell of spiced cakes from Corner Bakery and pumpkin spiced lattes from Starbucks. FALL IS IN THE AIR and everyone is embracing the season. With Thanksgiving on the way...time to start planning for family parties and decorating!!! -xo, DESIGN+LIFE+STYLE
What I hated most about working a 9-5 was the toll it took on my health. From skipping lunches to snacking on candy around the office. The stress eating...
What's your plans this Spring Break? Family vacation with the kiddos, catch up on the forgotten "To do" list, maybe even spend time doing nothing without interruption...
What I hated most about working a 9-5 was the toll it took on my health. From skipping lunches to snacking on candy around the office. The stress eating...